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Concept Design

The scheme was designed to allow flexibility for users with incorporated modular design users could pick and choose how they wanted to live. This differs from other social housing developments as it gives occupants a choice and a sense of ownership.
The scheme would evolve over time having new modules added to suit demand and the needs of its residents. At the centre of the design is a core that houses not only a crane to lift new modules into place but also places for residents and the public to socialise and gather in coffee shops bars and public green areas topped with a roof garden offering great views of central manchester

Manchester Social Housing: About
Manchester Social Housing: Image

By allowing the public to uses the space as well residents wont feel excluded from the community.

Manchester Social Housing: Text
Manchester Social Housing: Video

Using modular design helps to reduce cost but also allows for a creative design that the clients can become apart of

Manchester Social Housing: Text
Manchester Social Housing: Image
Manchester Social Housing: Image
Manchester Social Housing: Image
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